
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sleeping Beauty

Happy Wednesday!

The longer weekend is so close.

Do you sleep at least 7-8 hours at night? I try to so I'm not a slug!
And I may be the only one that tracks my sleep but hey I want to know what I'm sleeping like.

I do that with this app call SleepCycle.
Its on of the "20 Apps everyone woman should have" in Marie Claire.

So give it a shot try it out and let me know what you think about it. You won't want to sleep without having it on ( oh and its an alarm clock bonus!)

You need sleep to repair you skin & to function everyday and I could go on but try getting that beauty sleep sometime.

Also I want to hear from you ladies ask me any questions and I will be answering them in a video.  A giveaway is coming up this week so stay tuned for that.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Styling Tools

Monday Post 2:

As I did last week here is post 2 for Monday!

I am sharing my favorite styling tools with you in the video.

There is a deal for the blow dryer plus today they are having a 25% off sitewide!! If your needing a new blowdryer or curling iron today is the perfect time! Make sure and check it out!

If you need help choosing a blow dryer or anything comment and I can help you!


Monday Morning Monster

Hello Monday!

Hope your weekend was nice and relaxing. 
I was able to spend time with my husband before he started school today. Our "date night" is spend cooking together. We usually make some form of taco's. Here are a few pictures of our creations.

But after eating steak and pork (which I normally stay away from) I started my Monday with a Green Monster & some lemon water.

I usually have some greens in the morning. It just starts my day off right! 
I used:
4 oz almond/coconut milk 
1 tablespoon of all natural peanut butter 
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder ( I have Fitmiss vanilla chia
Last but not least- HUGE handful of spinach (don't skimp) 
Blend and pour over ice! 
Enjoy in a cute glass with a straw. 

Spinach is a dark leafy green that helps improve brain function & its helps protect against aging. 
So eat your greens ladies!


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Little leopard

Its Thursday! 
Sorry for the miss yesterday!  For some reason I am thinking its a day ahead of what it really is. 

I was in Vegas last weekend and went into ZARA. I always get online and browse the clothes without buying.. But now I am a fan for sure. Love love love the clothes!  
This little leopard number is a fall staple for me! 

Dress- Zara
Shoes- Kohls
Necklace- Jewelmint

Here is a pic from my weekend in Vegas with the girls. 


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Fitness & Health

Hello everyone! 

Tahnee is posted today all about Fitness and Healthy. This girl knows here stuff and has the body to show for it. She also loves helping people! So I was so excited when she told me she would be a guest. Enjoy!

Good Morning Everyone,

    I was so thrilled when Taylor asked me to do a guest post on her blog about health and fitness. I have been thinking for the past week about what I could post. There are so many different avenues that I could take in regard to this topic. I wanted to write about something that would impact all of you in a way that would change your life. Something that would encourage you to want to become a better person and take care of your bodies, both inside and out!
    In my work I run across so many women that have low self-esteem and a poor self-image. They struggle with their weight and there health but have no idea what to do to go about making a change for the better. It saddens me to see this, to see so many women who have the potential to be incredible but don’t have the tools or the “know how”. I have watched this over the past 5 or 6 years and realized what the problem is. Our society today teaches that everything is a quick fix, quick fix pills, quick diets, instant results. Everything is fast and at the tip of our fingers, internet, cell phones, fast food etc. In regard to health there is always a new “Fad diet” that everyone wants to try, Atkins diet, Paleo diet, Pill soak diet and the Raw food Diet just to name a few. They all guarantee an instant fix to your weight problems. However this is incorrect….
    Now the big secret….. You ready…. To achieve excellent health and an overall healthy looking physique the answer will NEVER come in a box, it will never come in a shake form, it will never be in a diet that states “Lose 30 pounds in 30 days” and it will never be an instant fix. The KEY to optimum health is consistent hard work, healthy eating for more than 30 days and a true and honest change in your lifestyle. A change in what you buy at the grocery store and how you cook. A consistent change in driving past the fast food restaurants to go home to make a chicken Salad with fresh REAL Food and a change in getting out of the “Fad Diet” or the “what’s popular” box and learning and educating yourself about what Health REALLY means.
   Good Health will never consist of counting calories in my book. In my program, that I put each of my clients through, we NEVER count calories. Our main focus, as should be yours, is on WHAT goes in our mouths instead of HOW MUCH! It is so important to put your health first and for most above anything else. When you do this you began to focus on how you feel, how much energy you have, how your food is effecting your skin and hair.. And then GUESS WHAT…. When you put your health above your calorie counting, and do these things, then your PHYSICAL appearance will follow suite. If you are only focused on how you look on the outside then you will struggle with your weight forever. I like to compare our bodies to a car. If we take care of the inside of our cars, changing the oil, flushing and replacing fluids and keeping up maintaining the inside of the care then our cars will run faster, longer and won’t become sluggish and or (Fat) like our bodies do eventually. 
   Food is FUEL!!!! 100% of my clients who change what they eat see a dramatic change in their physical appearance. It’s all in the kitchen. One of my favorite quotes truly illustrates this, 
   “Do you live to eat or do you eat to live? I want you to reflect about that today. What matters most to you, pleasing your brain with fattening foods or consuming foods for the proper functionality of your body, all your systems together? When you live to eat you are not worried about the future, when you get older with more vulnerable health. There is nothing wrong with eating chocolate once a week or pizza every once in a while. What’s hard to accept though, is how food and happiness are so closely attached in the modern times. As far as I remember from school, our ancestors would hunt food to survive, to assure that their body was healthy and strong; Survival law. Only the strongest ones would be able to make it. NOW, how is it beneficial to us to eat empty calories, what does this bring to you? What does a doughnut add to your life? EAT to LIVE people, NOT the other way around.” Bella Falconi. 

   To close I want you to remember this the next time you put something into your mouth. When it’s the choice between a fatty meal, cheeseburger with fries and bacon, or a chicken salad with chia seeds and brown rice. Remember what food is for. Remember that nutrients (Vitamins and minerals obtained from WHOLE FOODS) are what help our cells function the way they are designed. When they are starved of nutrition for a long period of time then they will start to malfunction, weight gain, disease, hair loss etc. 
Remember EAT TO LIVE not the other way around!

Tahnee Halverson
Nutritional Counselor
Personal Trainer

For more information on my programs contact me at 
Or visit my Facebook page “Tahnee Fitness” 

Thanks Tahnee!! 


Monday, August 18, 2014

Manic Monday

Double post today Monday.

Wanted to share a makeup tutorial on my makeup today. 

Cabana set- Ulta, Smashbox lip, Rest of the products are featured in the Whats in my Makeup bag post. 
Shirt- Zara
Necklace- Target (on sale)


Makeup bristles

Another Monday is here! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I had a girls weekend  down in Vegas which was nice relaxing & a blast. I'll be doing a post about my weekend soon.

For today I am sharing my favorite makeup bristles.

This set I share in the video is perfect for the everyday use. You can pick them up at your local Target or order them online here.


Friday, August 15, 2014

Here comes the sun.

Hey Gals!

Weekend is here and I could not be more ready for it. I'm getting ready for a little vaca in Vegas. My husband and I are breeding our bulldog Memphis (a girl). So before our little mama is preggors I'm taking off with help from my sister. 

Back to what I really want to share with you... I have some things I'm obsessing over right now.

Raspberries & Perrier is my favorite drink for summer. Makes drinking water not so boring!
Perfect for BBQ's or lounging by the pool.

                                                                                                                                Trumpets-by Jason Derulo is on my playlist. He was on Nightline ABC the other night & he works out like 3 times a day. Insane but hey, he looks good!

This book by Lauryn Evarts- The Skinny Confidential is one I could read a million time in a row! She  knows her stuff. Not to mention Her blog is so catchy too!

Enjoy the sunshine!! ☀️


Thursday, August 14, 2014


Friday Eve is here!

My favorite day of the month is when I get my Birchbox in the mail. See what I got this month.

I have an exciting post for you tomorrow so make sure and watch for that.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Mask It

Tuesday! Tuesday! Tuesday!

I am sharing one of my all time favorite MASK's. 

Glam Glow Supermud Clearing Treatment

I have been sweating a ton working out lately and have had a few more blemishes than normal. 

Put this mask on and it cleaned my skin up. 

It is a supermud for sure. It does look like mud

The peppermint smell is yummy!
Let's just say I'm a huge fan now and it was defiantly worth the money (even thought I got a steal on the price!).

Is the packaging not the cutest!

Normally its $69 here and I found it at the Costco by my house for $39. 

So ladies go see if you can find it. 


Comment if you have a mask you love and can't live without. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Dry Brushing

Hello Everyone!

Hope you had a nice and relaxing weekend.

Have you ever heard of dry brushing?

If you haven't don't worry. Listen up ladies!

Dry brushing helps..
Get rid of dead skin cells,
Tighten up your skin,
Stimulates your lymph canal to drain toxins,
and renews your skin cells and makes your skin look and feel good!

How to dry brush--
Super easy.. Really. It takes just a min or so to do.
After you turn the shower on grab that dry brush. Starting with your feet move upward with even strokes towards the heart. But make sure and move the brush gently across your skin. This helps with the detox process. Once a week I add this body scrub onto my dry brushing routine <-- dry brushing and body scrub is a must before I do a spray tan also.

I have noticed it helping with cellulite on the backs of my legs. Not to mention my skin feel so soft after and all day!

So why not try it out. Let me know what you love about it.

Happy Dry Brushing Gals.


Here is a good dry brush to order.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Target run!

Happy Friday! We made it to the weekend! 

I'm a target groupie! I want to buy everything when I walk in. So on my stroll through Target I found new things!

New makeup called Shea moisture. 

 I'll let you know what I think about using it. 

And check out the super cute workout pants that are ON SALE!  
--I may need a pair for my boxing class. 

Target never disappoints me!  

So ladies take a few mins and go walk around with a water from Starbucks (if your's has one)

Follow @thmbeauty on Instagram. Let me see your favorite purchase from Target. 


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Peachy keen

Hi everyone!

Ever need a little treat after dinner that's healthy?

 I have the perfect & fast dessert! 2 ingredients that's it! 

A peach & these Hail Merry Macaroons are so yummy! 

How to make it: cut up a peach (I used only half of a peach), crumble the macaroon on top, then heat it up in the microwave for 45-60 seconds, & ENJOY! 

You can find mararoons at Harmon's in Utah or your local Whole Foods has macaroons. Purchase some online here!

Thanks for stopping by! 


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Happy Hump Day!

Only 2 more days till the weekend! So close yet still far away. 

What I'm Loving Wednesday!


I am a shoe snob.. and workout shoes are becoming one of those things that are a must since I have been trying to be at the gym 5-6 times a week! 

These are so stinkin cute!! 

This eye shadow pallet from Bobbi Brown is the perfect combo of shadows.
Can't wait to have in in my makeup bag!

My friend stopped by yesterday so I could tint her brows and I had to make yummy watermelon cucumber water for us to hydrate with before boxing/sweating!

Super easy to make-- 1 cup water, 2 mini cucumbers ( half of a regular cucumber), 4 big chunks of watermelon, and juice of 3 lemons, dash of ginger if you like the taste. Blend and serve over ice. 

Thanks for stopping by! Go enjoy your own watermelon cucumber water. 


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Shaving your Face is OK.

Hello everyone!

Today is about the unwanted or baby hair on your face. 
Everyone has it- yes. But do we really need to have it on our face-- nope!

I had a client come to me a few years back and she looked so good for being close to 60. She explained to me that she shaved her face. I was stunned that she actually shaved her face..

So a year or 2 goes by and once again I had a esthetician friend tell me the same thing- SHAVE your face.  

You may be asking why shave your face? Well let me explain.

Gals we all have peach fuzz and as you get older you do get darker hair that grows on your chin (part of becoming a lady)

It WILL not grow back darker or course. That is a old wives tale. 

Elizabeth Taylor & Marilyn Monroe shaved there faces- who knew right!

Your skin will be glowing!! 

Your makeup will go on so smooth. 

And your skin will feel so soft! 

No waxing and growing out to wax!

It is really easy to do- takes me a few minutes. I usually do it on Sundays when I have a little more time. 

How to Shave:
Start with a clean face and hands. 
Hold the skin tight where you are shaving, going in an upward motion. 
Avoid the area around your eye (this is very thin, delicate skin) 
After you finish your whole face you can either apply a mask for a treatment or apply a oil- Joise Maran or even coconut oil. 

Splendid Dirt Mask
Try it ladies! If you have questions ASK. Do not be afraid to do this! 

 These are the razors I buy from Sally Beauty.

Happy shaving!!

A great video to watch is from Michelle Money 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Lets Talk about Skin baby!- Part 1

Happy Monday everyone!

As much as I dread Monday's I am excited for today. Only because I'm having a girls night at the Lady Gaga concert. I'll share some pictures later. 

I'm sharing part 1 of my morning face routine.
After I get out of the shower its usually a mad dash to get ready, only due to the fact that I enjoy every last minute in bed.. 

So these 3 items I use are ones that keep my skin looking/feeling dang good all day!

First thing first- Joise Maran, 100% Argan Oil

I live in a very very dry climate. 
Moisturizer is a MUST have for me and this one does the trick! 
After I apply that I put Time Balm Skincare, White Tea on. Its a Peppermint Hydrating Face Moisturizer. I do apply both the oil and the moisturizer. I love the feeling of the peppermint on my face. 

Just the past year I have started putting on eye cream & being religious about it. 
Gals lets just say if your not doing it GO out and find one that you love! 
I happen to love the Enchanted Eye Cream from Lush Cosmetics.
It says on the bottle, "Simple, refreshing and softening". It really does just that. 

There is it ladies, just a little sneak peak into my morning. 

Stay tuned for Part 2. 

Have a great rest of your Monday!


Friday, August 1, 2014

Styling Products for your Hair

Hello Everyone!

I'm sharing my favs for styling hair today. I am a product junkie! When I love a product I actually finish the bottle or can and re-buy.

Fav Serum- Silky Smooth Moisture Serum by S Factor.
            I use this on wet and dry hair. Lets talk about the smell really quick.. its uh-mazing! Who doesn't want to smell yummy.

Best Dry oil-  Kendri Oil Dry Oil Mist by Bambo Smooth, Alterna.
           Perfect amount of shine without that nasty greasy feel.

Dry Texturizing Spray by Oribe.
           This stuff last forever!! I use it almost every day & its worth every penny.. really.

Dry shampoo- Pillow Proof Blow Dry Two day extender by Redken.
           I have tried just about every dry shampoo & this one will not disappoint. If your a blonde like me its doesn't give you gray hair which is soooo not cool to have.

That does it gals. If you have favorites comment and let me know.

Friday is here so enjoy your weekend.

xx THM

Products can be purchased from your local hair gal or Ulta Beauty.